Home away from home for hillwalkers and ramblers who happen to work together in a building in Glendale (and their family, friends and fellow ramblers). See the BR Event Calendar for upcoming hikes

March 25, 2015

Griffith Park Old Zoo Loop - 3/25/2015

Four 'Bramblers' revisited the Old Zoo Loop hike, aka "Bomi's Trail" on a pleasant Spring evening. As we quickly recalled - the initial ascent has a lot of altitude gain. We paced ourselves, and refreshed, the remainder was a perfect sunset ramble above the City of Angels.

There is a great lookout point about 3/4 of the way - and we took advantage of it for a lingering break, watching the sun setting on the towers of downtown.

March 20, 2015

Back on the trail - Old Zoo Loop

The Brand Ramblers are officially back on the trail for Spring 2015. We've started off on Wednesday 3/18 with an old favorite - the Las Flores motorway (fire road) route to Mt. Thom in the Verdugos.

Next Wednesday, 3/25, we'll be gathering at the Merry-Go-Round in Griffith Park for another go round of the "Bomi Route." Expect to see lots of sparkling city lights as we swing around the mountains for the final half of the hike.

Here is the Google route map for directions and overview of the terrain.

Don't forget to bring water and snacks, and wear comfortable clothes and shoes. See you there!