Home away from home for hillwalkers and ramblers who happen to work together in a building in Glendale (and their family, friends and fellow ramblers). See the BR Event Calendar for upcoming hikes

March 16, 2010

Spring forward! Back on the trail... to Mt. Thom

Daylight Saving Time struck like a bolt of lightning - it's time to get back on the trail.

To keep things simply we'll be heading up to Mt. Thom this Thursday at 5:00 PM - a little earlier than usual (it may be PDT again but it'll still get dark fairly early).

Assemble at the parking area a block below the Las Flores gate and bring the usual gear (cider will be provided but you bring the water, sunscreen, etc). Since it'll start getting dark on the descent flashlights are recommended but may not be needed.

Previous Las Flores-to-Mt. Thom hike description with directions is here.

Lots of ambitious plans (again) for 2010 including Half Dome and the remaining peaks of the 'Big Three' - San Gorgonio and San Jacinto - and let's not forget Mt. Whitney.

But enough with the planning - let's hit the trail and share a toast atop Thom. See you there!

Last Bramblers' outing - resting on the Devil's Backbone.(PHOTO: Joel Scott)